Missions at Charlotte Calvary
Nazarene Missions International (NMI)
Miriam Irons is our Missions President. She grew up both in the U.S. and on the Mission field in Swaziland. Our goal is to keep missions before us through many avenues. We educate through mission moments, reading books, and special speakers. We share through our resources in as many ways as God allows us. We reach out through at least one local compassion project a year, crisis care kits, child sponsorship, helping our own go on Work and Witness trips, and as many other ways as our congregation is willing to do.
We care through our prayers and loving on our missionaries as well as our brothers and sisters in Christ throughout the world.
If you want to learn more about NMI, follow this link to their website.
(pictured: Walter Irons working with tech crew at ANU (Africa Nazarene University) NC District Work & Witness.)